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3/4 sets


4/4 sets

  Competitieset (Prescriped Tunes)

The Green Hills of Tyrol


Scotland the Brave


Earl of Mansfield

When the Battle is Over


Auld Lang Syne


The Weary Maid


The Pikeman’s March


The Barren Rocks of Aden

Collin’s Cattle


The Piper’s Cave

Red Hackle Pipe Band


Wooden Heart (Mussi Denn)


The Music Man


Pipe Major J.K. Cairns


Waltzing Mathilda




6/8 set


Losse Tunes



P/M Donald MacLean of Lewis


The Bells of Dunblane

Castle Dangerous


The Steam Boat


Highland Cathedral





Amazing Grace


Slow Air/March


Amazing Grace The Fling


Farewell to Camraw


Cullen Bay


Caber Feidh


Blustering Home